How soul prop can benifit from jennifer theHUD engine or signs of minds engine
In the industry of computational reasoning the processor that can be attached to this b]\very cost generous production device will run forever or until parts wear out imagine a flow chart represented by an old dc with perforations at select levels with a sound emitter so sensitive enabling to read the sound echo from the pit in the cd and knowing what message was left behind. a router if you wish to give it a name (another cd with perforations establishing a hirearchy from conditions that match known cds that have perferations mimicing known situations where conditions aren't ideal suppose after researching the area after a brief second the robot says can i edit the envoronment to attain these setting found on my hard drive and can i write a cd that makes perforation that mimic the area around me if the area has been found to be that cross referable with other areas like sky being blue the ground not being liquid tetc etc.